Edinburgh High Constables

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Sun Aug 04
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2019/21 Jacqueline B Easson   1957/58 J Norman H Steele
2017/18 William R J MacEachen, TD   1955/56 David Cook
2015/16 James B Raeburn OBE   1953/54 Thos Y Anderson
2013/14 Valentine T Tudball MBE   1951/52 James M M’Arthur
2011/12 Raymond J Pia   1949/50 James J Y Buchanan
2009/10 Gerard A D Clark   1947/48 David Wilkie
2007/08 Robert C B Forman   1946 T Robertson Mossman
2005/06 David Rutherford   1944/45 D H M Jack JP
2003/04 Leonard Wallace   1942/43 J M Cleugh
2001/02 J Richard Allan   1940/41 William Gillespie
1999/2000 Kenneth Dunbar   1938/39 William Laing
1997/98 Simon Bolam   1936/37 George W Adams
1995/96 Brian C A Short   1934/35 Thomas Menzies
1993/94 W R Ferguson   1933 James Jackson
1991/92 Alan W Mowat   1932 John Davidson
1989/90 Ian M Crosbie   1932 Andrew Reid
1987/88 E Ian Adam   1930/31 John Davidson
1985/86 George Dick   1928/29 Anthony T White
1983/84 Ian A T Gowans   1926/27 James Rae King
1981/82 William T Cavaye   1924/25 Thomas Dunbar
1979/80 J W Coulthard   1922/23 James M Manclark
1977/78 J Ritchie Wilkie   1920/21 Tom Snailum
1975/76 John Christie MC   1918/19 Alex Macbeth
1973/74 T N Miller DFC   1916/17 Jas D Brown
1971/72 Thomas Baillie   1914/15 Thomas Ferguson
1969/70 Rex de la Haye   1912/13 Thomas Young
1967/68 D S O Wilkie   1910/11 Henry P Hule
1965/66 Duncan D Melvin   1908/09 Thos G Fisher
1963/64 James W W Kemp   1906/07 Thomas R Gibson
1961/62 George M Bruce   1904/05 William Cuthbertson
1959/60 Thos K Currie   1902/03 Bruce Fenwick


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Wall in City Chambers showing names of all Moderators